Self-Care Ritual for Women of Color (6hrs)
At each tea, the ritual is documented both by the guests themselves and by the artists organizing the event. The guest charged with the task of taking photographs is called SHICHI. At this ritual, SHICHI was played by Star Murray. All images are (c) Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea.

Priya Frank as SAN. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Kaoru Okumura as JU with Red Soldier (played by Kristi Brown-Wokoma). Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Lara Davis as ICHI. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

JUNI (Tamara Boynton) in the Imaginarium. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Guests worked with Midnight Team Members to create an Imaginarium, or alternate dimension using materials like cotton batting, lace, ribbon, and origami paper. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Engaging each other in a childhood hand-clapping game, ICHI and the Red Soldier keep time with their voices to the rhythm. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

This event was sponsored in part by Earth Pearl Collective ( It's almost impossible to believe that these women met for the first time at Midnight Tea. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

ICHI (Lara Davis) takes it all in for a moment. So many experiences overlap during a Midnight Tea ritual-- sound, poetry, movement, and much more. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

ROKU (Tamara Boynton) works hard to complete her assignment. Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).

Priya Frank (SAN); Kristi Brown-Wokoma (Red Soldier); Anastacia Tolbert (Midnight Team); and Kaoru Okumura (JU). Photo by SHICHI (Star Murray).