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In Thailand, project facilitator and lead artist, Natasha Marin, will reimagine the Self-Care Ritual for Women that began 2014 with the support of Featured Artist, Anastacia Tolbert, and Miko's Muse, Jodi Thompson within an intimate interactive environment at LA LANTA FINE ART GALLERY in Bangkok.


Guests will work closely with Marin and her colleagues, to create a once-in-a-lifetime art ritual that explores what it means to devote 3-hours to caring for oneself as a woman. Why help?


Everyone can make a difference, but you can make it possible for Anastacia and Natasha to travel to Bangkok for the event. Learn more here.

Click here to download the event poster!

If you would like to back this project, please click the DONATE button below or use the CONTACT US link to make other arrangements.

Any amount, small or large, is welcomed with relief and gratitude! Your contribution will be acknowledged unless you choose to donate anonymously.



So far we've raised...





Elliot Solomon, who is a busy executive in his own right, made time to support this project by shooting the promotional materials. If you are interested in learning more about his work, please visit him online by clicking the logo above.

Ursula Beck, is an emerging Seattle artist, specializing in oil painting. Ursula is delving into the realm of digital illustration with the support of her co-workers at Unity Technologies. She is also an incredible person and one of the most down-to-earth people I've ever met.

Beau Folsom, is a modern Renaissance man. By day he is the Creative Lead for the Americas demo team at Unity Technologies and by night he is a proud parent, partner, and amazing digital artist and photoshop demigod. Find out more about his creative work online at:

Davina Camardo, is a girl with tech and science skillz. We all know how sexy that is. Fathered by an artist, she puts her money where her mouth is in terms of supporting local artists.

Kailyn Wentz, is a real-life unicorn! Having helped with many teas in the past, her energy and enthusiasm for life, friendship, and all that is creative, continues to inspire.

Stephanie Pruitt, is a creativity catalyst. Her words are a testiment to her lived experience as a woman of hope, beauty, and belief in building a better world together. Find her online at:!

Anonymous, the biggest donation so far came from an amazing local artist, whose generosity is only matched by his amazing talent. Artists supporting artists makes my heart glow!

Eric Olsen, has a real job and looks really great (and comfortable!) sporting a hard hat. He makes me want to look that natural in a hard hat. In photos, his friends smile as if they know they are lucky to know him. Astrologically speaking, he is a man of principle. I hope to celebrate with him soon!

Bonnie Brooks, has a marvelous laugh. When she laughs it's as though there are no real polarities-- no yes or no, no right or wrong, no black or white, just pure hilarity. The kind of beauty you are gifted when you look for what sparkles. Find out more about her work online at!

Kahn Davison, is a beautiful father, husband, grandson, poet, and photographer. We met at Cave Canem a million years ago and since then I've seen him really grow into the artist and entrepreneur he is today. Find out more about his work online at:

Lauren Davis, is a tireless supporter of the arts. She manages ArtXchange Gallery, which has hosted two Midnight Tea events. ArtXchange Gallery is a contemporary intercultural art gallery that inspires cultural exploration, the expansion of global community and the exchange of ideas through art.

James Kim, is a pretty down-to-earth guy. Perhaps not your typical "patron of the arts"-- but in all the truest ways, he's the kind of person you can really count on to be his genuine self. I've always believed that a genuine person is a gift to everyone. Thank you, James!

Jocelyn Macdonald, is a Feminist. Don't assume this makes her man-hating, angry, cat-lady-- this is what dictionaries are for! And along those lines, this diction-diva is a fierce new fixture in Seattle's literary community. Peep her podcast here.

Juan "Pepe" Piedrahita, is a brilliant translator by day, and a sexy musician by night. At any time of day or night, you will find him lending a hand to someone who needs it. He knows that supporting your friends means showing up and following through. He's also incredibly stylish, which is a gift for all!

Moto Poet, is an artist, a part-time scholar, a techie, a dad, a friend, and an all around awesome dude. He can quote Battlestar Galactica and put William Blake to shame. He is a man of many gifts. Above all, he is cool in the classical, motorcycle-dancing kinda way. 

Kait Moon, is a real-life superhero. She doesn't need a phonebooth to change into her superself because she's always changing into and out of her higher forms: goddess, mother, fairy, milky way, artist, nymph. My universe is more beautiful because she is a part of it.

Ramata Diébaté, is a soulful creature. I honestly can't remember which tea was her first, but there have been many since. The first time we spent time together we discovered we were neighbors and breastfed our youngest children together under the plum tree in my backyard. One word: Joy!

Karen Tsang, is still growing into Karen Tsang. I think that I like this most about her because she's unafraid to evolve in a way that makes me realize how rare and incredible this mindset has become. Another amazing Canadian supporter of teatime at midnight, Karen is lovely and loving.

Kevin Robertson, is one part human, one part star-spangled awesome, and one part dolphin. He's down ... like fer realz. Our birthdays are two days apart and I'm still trying to convince him to respect me as an elder ... lol. If the world was going to end suddenly and I was throwing a goodbye party, he's definitely on the VIP list. Thank you!

Beverly Naidus, has been using art to dream, question, stir things up and to find community for several decades. She's been teaching others to do the same for almost as long. Keeper of a super-sophisticated mind, this woman is actually above the fray. I look to her as an example of how to be in this world.

Priya Frank, was a guest at the first Self-Care ritual in Seattle. She is deeply involved in keeping Seattle creative and active in the arts. Her smile is synonymous with her personality-- bright, encouraging, and full of genuine joy. In a rainy city, she is sunshine. Find her at LUCID Lounge!

Angel Anonymous, is the perfect stranger-friend. What I mean is, we are already friends, although we haven't met yet. Her name is Storyteller Red and she sees what is REAL in a world scaffolded in artifice. She is a mother, a witness to many machinations, and a new Seattleite. She feels like family to me. 

Christopher Shaw, is the brother I never had. A true gentleman-- he teaches by example and does more with his hands than his mouth. He loves beauty the way I love beauty and has taught me so much about Aesthetics. He is a philosopher, a music-lover, an artist, an engineer, and one of my most beloved friends. See more at:!

Lara Davis, is stunning. Seriously, everytime I see her, my day floats up to another eschelon of WEEEE! Among the women in Seattle who work overtime, doubletime, and in-between-time, she is a leader. Of course she is more than her beauty, her voice, her mind, but if you #eatbeauty she will not leave you hungry or wanting! Lara in a 3 words: Integrity. Passion. Loyalty.

Patricia Marin, is a woman of impeccably high standards. Thanks Mom, for your love and support. You taught me how to meet my own goals! 


Vanessa German, is an internationally acclaimed sculptor, poet, performer, and playwright, who makes her home in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Her community-engagement work is inspirational and important. She's the really real deal. Find out more about ArtHouse and her other projects


Angela Hughes, is a healer. She knows that sometimes the best medicine is a sick beat and a dark dancefloor. She knows that when you need an escape, the mountains have enough silence for everyone who needs answers. She gives incredible hugs and knows the mastery of making a house a home. She is the mostest-hostess that I've met recently and above all, a generous and caring friend.  


Shannon Woodard, is an explosion of happy emoticons. This woman (unlike Point Hate percent of the population) knows how to celebrate the artists in her life and does exactly that! She is encouraging, curious, and kind. Thank you, Shannon!


Lyn Pedro, is one of my favorite cousins (and I have over 60). When she isn't bravely volunteering to watch *both* of my kiddos so I can do my midnight magic, she's cheering me on! Her first Midnight Tea was the Kitsune Tea in Vancouver-- we made a beautiful fox den and she was the perfect guest-- open, playful, and ready to co-create! I love her and she makes it so easy to because she is so damn lovable! 


Mikol Soriano, is a wearer of many hats. He is passionate about building community, practicing healing, sharing, and the arts. A long-time supporter of Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea and member of Seattle's thriving creative PoC community, Mikol has been backing up his talk with a boss-walk for many years now! 

Our deepest gratitude goes to those who value the work we are producing enough to support us in endeavors like this one. We're honored and hope to make each of you proud that you are the financial force behind our efforts. Thank you. 



Emma Butler, already is a living treasure. She sustains no less than 20 of her co-workers at Unity Technologies everytime she goes into "baking mode," which results in wide smiles and happy sighs ...the kind of creativity you can really sink your teeth into. Check out more deliciousness on her blog at!

Meghan "Megatron" Trainor, is not a pop star, but her namesake is all about that base. Megatron is all about the ancient wisdom of new technology. When she isn't slow dancing with strange artists like me, she's throwing shade like ninja stars from her Mind Palace. Her manifesto can be found here. Let her regale you at!

Virginia Wright, is a G (for genius), but she is so silent in her plottings from behind-the-scenes, only the clever ones can spy her machinations in the global game of "I Spy." She is radical in the Classical sense of the word. She moves worlds one teacup at a time. Visit her at!

Rachel Harrison, knows many of my juiciest secrets. Her cooking is heartfelt and delicious, her brain is a well-organized filing system of nuance and intricacy. She is genuine and generous no matter where/when our paths cross. We have known each other since the last century when we were regulars at HEAVEN. Thank you!

Kate Weale, or Auntie Kate, is a poster-worthy Canadian human, thinker, mother, partner and friend. About 7 years ago, she opened her house up to my entire family and we've been friends ever since. Of course, we don't always agree, but our disagreements are so delightfully and deeply Canadian ... they leave a warm scent of maple syrup and mutual respect in the air.

Alexis Arrabito, will probably be famous one day and I'm happy to have gotten in on a good deal on the ground floor. Fellow Artist Trust EDGE program graduate, as writers we know a few things about how words can give shape to a concept. Thank you for building this with me, Alexis. You are the real McCoy!

Bert Hopkins, has fathered of one of the world's cutest children. We met through Anastacia (connector of awesome) and since then I have been lucky enough to spend time with him and his incredible family. He is a teacher who understands the power of Undeniable Truth and Creativity. Thank you!

Jumanne Donahue, is one of the most mysterious men I've ever met and I know a man whose last name is literally mystery. He is a writer, a scholar, an adventurer, and a scientist-- he can factor in a lot of data points. The breadth of his talent and intellect gives me hope for the rest of humanity. I look forward to our next collaboration!

Harold Taw, is the author of Adventures of the Karaoke King. He's a wise human being with a quiet sense of humor. I imagine he turns things over in his head as though he is turning them over in his mind like a good book with a sturdy spine. Solid like a rock, that's Harold.

Minor Arcana Press, is the most happening small, local press in Seattle. MAP puts out "Good books for Weird People" and does a kickass job of it. Next up: Lydia Swartz' "Shufflepoems" a shufflable deck of poetry, one stanza per card, 100 cards in all. Four suits, four poems, able to be read differently each time. Find out more about MAP here.


Meg Stroup, and I went to high school together, what seems like a million years ago. She is still a uniquely thoughtful person. Amidst all the confusion that makes life challenging, she can still discern what really matters Her success as a Genuine Human is well-deserved and earned. I'm lucky that I can say, I known her since way back when ... 

Daemond Arrindell, can confidentally wield words. I have told him many times in different ways that I would drink the words straight from his mouth if I could-- there are so many delicious ones! Among poets, there isn't always a way to say Thank You. We have too many words in our repertoire to say the simple thing, simply. Daemond is the kind of friend who does what he says he will do. He can be counted on and he cares about how the texture of the tapestry of our interconnected human experiences. 

Laura Watts, is a generous woman, whose support of this project means so much to Anastacia and I. It's the folks like Laura, who gave what they could to this project who made this Midnight Tea possible. Without the effort, care, and donations from exemplary humans like Laura, we wouldn't be able to do the work we feel so powerfully called to do! Thank you!

Unity Crew, shout-outs to my kickass work-mates who pooled their hard-earned money to make this Midnight Tea happen for me and Anastacia. Special thanks to Chris Gonzales, Craig Blum, Dana Greene, Dave Takahashi, JC Cimetiere, Shouguan Lin, Todd Hooper, JoAnna Matthisen, Kim Villaron, and Derek Shin. 


Carina del Rosario, uses photography, digital media, and visual art to explore the desire for community-- for being part of something larger than oneself, In Seattle, she is a generous friend who smiles as easily as she captures the true essence of both people and places. Find out more about her and her work at:!


Imee Tribo, is a hero-- a savior of damsels (and entire families) in distress. She has an adventurous heart that is still unafraid of making new friends. Part pixie-dust, part gun-powder, her love is powerful and can be felt from the other side of the planet. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 


My Tam Nguyen, is in superposition. Her brilliant spirit lights up in more than one place! I imagine that many folks in Seattle (besides me) keep a candle burning in their heart-shrines for her health, wealth, and well-being. I don't think I've ever met anyone who embodies Joy more fully than she does. Gratitude comes easily because I know I'm a better person with her in my life!


Phillip Williams, is young, gifted, and black. I met him at Cave Canem in the waaaaay back part of Way Back When and have been delighted to get to know him better ever since. He is the author of Bruised Gospels and the poetry editor at Vinyl

Elisheba Johnson, might actually be busier than I am and that's saying A LOT. This real-life superwoman juggles a high-stakes job with the City slash Seattle Arts Commission by day, and spends her "free time" doing anything from curating multidisciplinary projects to running her own gallery. A full-time mom, Elisheba is a doer and a maker of much magic in this city. Also, she looks *hella fly* everytime I rest my eyes on her. THANK YOU! 


© 2008-2014 by Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea. All rights reserved

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