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Help Me Get to Helsinki!

Photo by Natasha Marin
Model: Roje Johnson
(c) Miko Kuro's Midngith Tea, 2013

Asking for help is never easy, but most things in life worth doing aren't easy.


I am an artist, so I realize that many people (including my own father) may not necessarily consider what i do to be "work" because it really doesn't make me any money. In fact, it usually costs my family money that we often don't often have, thereby putting an undue strain on everyone. Yet I can't seem to stop myself from doing it! At the end of the 12-hr-ritual in Mumbai I was in tears wondering at the mystery of it all. Why do I do this work? I feel called and compelled to make spaces wherein people can safely interact and explore. I am in no way trying to romanticize poverty or suffering in the process, even if it's often my reality. I'm just trying to do my work the best way I know how.


I remember a time when I didn't have to spend so much time worrying about how the bills were going to get paid each month-- I think Clinton was still President then and gas cost less than $4 a gallon. Since then, my family has really struggled. There are 4 of us and I am the "crazy artist" a moniker I now wear proudly. In order to continue hosting community arts events like Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea that encourage participation, collaboration, and creative experimentation, I need to cover my basic expenses. Many amazing people who have helped me along the way in this effort and I can not imagine this project without their contributions. Simply put, this project would never have grown beyond the idea-stage if it weren't for the folks who continue to contribute their hard-earned money, time, talent, and creativity to it..


In less than a month, Bonnie Brooks and I will be travelling to Helsinki, Finland to host another tea at the Forum Box Gallery. I understand that Helsinki is quite expensive and I do recall that paying for anything in euros is a bit of a challenge when you are trying to figure out how to feed a family of 4 on $211 worth of Food Stamps. I'm almost positive that my family's finances will improve eventually, but for now, I need help.


I need to get some basic things, like long underwear, sound equipment, a decent coat that is waterproof, converters, memory cards, and a new harddrive to really make this project work. It would also be delightful to eat twice a day (three times a day is for fancy people) while in Helsinki. So yes, donations would be welcomed! Rather than ask contributing artists, musicians, designers, and performers to donate their efforts, I've made it a practice since this project began to try to offer at least a small stipend to those who are willing to be generous with themselves and their work.


So I'm looking to raise about $1500 in 25 days. Here's how it breaks down:


Equipment/Supplies: $500
Transportation (taxi to/from airport): $100
Per diem food costs: $40/day for 7 days (in Euros this is nothing, for example a small Tropicana orange juice box is about 3 euros or $7)
Contributing Artist Stipends: $500 (again, I would love to give more, but it's better to give something than nothing at all)
Miscellaneous Expenses: $120 (baggage fees, airport food, metro pass, etc.)


All support will be gratefully awknowledged here, unless specified as anonymous. #helsinkiorbust


3 Ways to Help me get to Helsinki:

1. Lend or give me stuff I need (equipment, warm clothes, boots, coat, etc.)
2. Help me spread the word about the event and my fundraising efforts to your social networks.
3. Donate money using the PayPal link (any amount is welcome!)

© 2008-2014 by Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea. All rights reserved

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