Help Me Get to Helsinki!

Photo by Natasha Marin
Model: Roje Johnson
(c) Miko Kuro's Midngith Tea, 2013
Asking for help is never easy, but most things in life worth doing aren't easy.
I am an artist, so I realize that many people (including my own father) may not necessarily consider what i do to be "work" because it really doesn't make me any money. In fact, it usually costs my family money that we often don't often have, thereby putting an undue strain on everyone. Yet I can't seem to stop myself from doing it! At the end of the 12-hr-ritual in Mumbai I was in tears wondering at the mystery of it all. Why do I do this work? I feel called and compelled to make spaces wherein people can safely interact and explore. I am in no way trying to romanticize poverty or suffering in the process, even if it's often my reality. I'm just trying to do my work the best way I know how.
I remember a time when I didn't have to spend so much time worrying about how the bills were going to get paid each month-- I think Clinton was still President then and gas cost less than $4 a gallon. Since then, my family has really struggled. There are 4 of us and I am the "crazy artist" a moniker I now wear proudly. In order to continue hosting community arts events like Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea that encourage participation, collaboration, and creative experimentation, I need to cover my basic expenses. Many amazing people who have helped me along the way in this effort and I can not imagine this project without their contributions. Simply put, this project would never have grown beyond the idea-stage if it weren't for the folks who continue to contribute their hard-earned money, time, talent, and creativity to it..
In less than a month, Bonnie Brooks and I will be travelling to Helsinki, Finland to host another tea at the Forum Box Gallery. I understand that Helsinki is quite expensive and I do recall that paying for anything in euros is a bit of a challenge when you are trying to figure out how to feed a family of 4 on $211 worth of Food Stamps. I'm almost positive that my family's finances will improve eventually, but for now, I need help.
I need to get some basic things, like long underwear, sound equipment, a decent coat that is waterproof, converters, memory cards, and a new harddrive to really make this project work. It would also be delightful to eat twice a day (three times a day is for fancy people) while in Helsinki. So yes, donations would be welcomed! Rather than ask contributing artists, musicians, designers, and performers to donate their efforts, I've made it a practice since this project began to try to offer at least a small stipend to those who are willing to be generous with themselves and their work.
So I'm looking to raise about $1500 in 25 days. Here's how it breaks down:
Equipment/Supplies: $500
Transportation (taxi to/from airport): $100
Per diem food costs: $40/day for 7 days (in Euros this is nothing, for example a small Tropicana orange juice box is about 3 euros or $7)
Contributing Artist Stipends: $500 (again, I would love to give more, but it's better to give something than nothing at all)
Miscellaneous Expenses: $120 (baggage fees, airport food, metro pass, etc.)
All support will be gratefully awknowledged here, unless specified as anonymous. #helsinkiorbust