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In Helsinki, project facilitator and lead artist, Natasha Marin, will reimagine work from her poetry manuscript in-progress MILK within an intimate interactive environment at FORUM BOX GALLERY in Finland.
Guests will work closely with Marin and her colleague, Bonnie Brooks, to create a once-in-a-lifetime art ritual that explores what it means to be nurtured in the Digital Age. Why help?
Everyone can make a difference, but these twelve amazing people in my community pulled together in different ways to make it possible for me to get a flight to Helsinki for the event. Without their help, this project would not be possible:
C Davida Ingram
Torgie Madison
Meredith Walker
James Cagney
Meagan Brothers
Crystal Good
Bert Hopkins
Ramata Diébaté
Ijeoma Oluo
Alexander Chamas
Yoko Murao
Zac Buschmohle
Deepest thanks to additional supporters:
Sammy Chien (original sound)
William Hagy (custom glass)
Emilia Tapprest (accommodations)
Wintom Zecarias (Finnish translation)
Patricia, Nikola, & David Marin
Roi Chang
Raina Leon
Jenny Gillespie
Meg Stroup
Khadijah Queen
Ashaki Jackson
Bettina Judd
Anastacia Tolbert
Shannon Woodard
Cedric Tillman
Christopher Shaw
Anonymous (Seattle)
Harold Taw
Rachel Harrison
Joanna Brooks
Heather Brondy
Richard Hesik & Barbara Johns
Blue Gourami
James Brooks
Deborah Lloyd
Samiya Bashir
Michael Soriano
Angela Hughes
Global Consulting
Neal Adams
The Svaha Paradox Salon
Christina Springer
Kait Moon
Shoko Zama
Edward Hill
Kailyn Wentz
Angela Knight
Afaa M. Weaver
Jodi Thompson
Stephanie Pruitt
Amber Flame
Ellen Ziegler
Arisa White
Joan Laage

If you would like to back this project, please click the DONATE button below or use the CONTACT US link to make other arrangements.
Any amount, small or large, is welcomed with relief and gratitude! Your contribution will be acknowledged unless you choose to donate anonymously.
The video above is from the last Midnight Tea event in Seattle (USA) which was held at the Taoist Studies Institute. (c) Natasha Marin, 2013. Koto music by Chigusa Kitai.
Thank you to our guests.
My deepest gratitude goes to those who value the work I am producing enough to support me in endeavors like this one. I am honored and I hope to make each of you proud that you are the patrons and the financial force behind my efforts. Thank you. Arigato goziamashita. Kiitos paljon!
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